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Please see the information sent below.  In addition to half-term opportunities, there are some other great events during the festival that you and your children may be interested in.


We have some great arts workshops in half term that the Festival subsidises for local children. I attach flyers. Please would you be kind enough to include in your weekly newsletter the following information and links to the flyers

  • Kev F Sutherland COMIC ART MASTER CLASS- Learn comic art,make a group comic to take home - Wednesday 29 May 10am at Prout Bridge Project or 2pm upstairs in the Red Lion, Families/adults welcome,  children over 7. Parents/carers can watch.
  • Jo Burlington, OOPS WOW MESSY ART - Drawing Music Thursday and Friday 30 and 31 May.  Different sessions for different ages  Prout Bridge Project Beaminster

We also have lots of concerts throughout Festival week 22 June - 30 June, many of which are free for children. This is a fantastic opportunity for children to see live music. Brochures are readily available or visit

Very many thanks

Lois Pearson

Artistic Director 

T: 01308 863586  M:07887 768227

Festival Box Office: The Yarn Barton Centre, 

Fleet Street, Beaminster DT8 3DR 

T: 01308 862943 E:

F: @beaminsterfestival T: @beaminsterfest